follow up: Reading an array from a flat file

Mark Martinec Mark.Martinec+amavis at
Wed Aug 17 15:51:59 CEST 2011


> I have some 50 users (out of 10000) for whom I want to bypass 
> spamchecking. Instead of writing the addresses literally in amavisd.conf
> I would prefer to store them in a file. Could this be done in
> amavisd.conf or will I have to modify amavisd ?
> Will the following code work ?
> my $path_mailaddr = '/etc/postfix/bypass_spam_checks';
> my @all_mailaddr = ();
> open(MAILADDR, "<$path_mailaddr")
>   || die "cannot open bypass_spam_checks\n";
> @all_mailaddr = <MAILADDR>;

Stll need to strip newlines from each.

> my %bypass_spam_checks = ();
> map { $bypass_spam_checks{lc($_)}=1 } (@all_mailaddr);

You are making a local copy of %bypass_spam_checks with a my(),
instead of using the %Amavis::Conf::bypass_spam_checks,
so it has no effect.

> close(MAILADDR);
> /etc/postfix/bypass_spam_checks contains:
> user1 at
> user2 at
> ....
> user50 at

Why not just use a read_hash to do the work:

@bypass_spam_checks_maps = ( read_hash('/etc/postfix/bypass_spam_checks') );

domains are lowercased, localpart is lowercased by default
(unless $localpart_is_case_sensitive is true).

> I forgot to mention I already tried the builtin function read_array.
> map { $bypass_spam_checks{lc($_)}=1 }
> (read_array('/etc/postfix/bypass_spam_checks'));
> amavisd was starting without errors, but the content of
> etc/postfix/bypass_spam_checks was ignored.

The read_array returns an array ref, not an array.


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