Header -> amavis quarantine

Markus Clardy markus at clardy.eu
Fri Feb 9 17:59:09 CET 2018

What you can do is have a port/policy in Amavisd for Quarantining
everything, then just instead of adding a header in Postfix, have the mail
redirect to that port.

This way, mail that is meant to be held as designated by Postfix, will go
to the quarantine that way.

On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 4:23 PM, Dominic Raferd <dominic at timedicer.co.uk>

> Is there a way to have the presence of a specific header (or, better,
> a specific beginning to a header, where the later text might vary)
> causing quarantining by amavis. Use case is that postfix header_checks
> will identify a suspect mail and add the header before the mail is
> passed to amavis.
> Example header which should lead to amavis quarantining the mail:
> X-Hold: mydomain.tld; Withheld by order of check_header.pcre (.world
> domain)
> I feel sure amavis is powerful enough to do this but the plethora of
> options, and the perl terminology, leave me baffled. Thanks for any
> help.

 - Markus
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