[Postfix espanol] postfix virtual con mysql

Alberto aalberto en euskalnet.net
Mie Abr 10 01:10:07 CEST 2002

Hola a todos:

Me estoy volviendo loco con este tema, y se que es posible que sea una
cuestion de Courier o Mysql, pero como no estoy seguro, y si en cualquier
caso me podeis ayudar, os lo agradeceria infinitamente.

Tengo a Postfix dando servicio a unos cuantos usuarios del sistema, pero
quiero configurar un dominio adicional para su gestion de modo virtual a
traves de mysql, por supuesto, sin tocar las cuentas de los usuarios reales
del sistema ya existentes.

He conseguido que lleguen mensajes a la cuenta pepe en domvirtual.com en
/var/mail/mysql/pepe/ de los que por supuesto cuelgan los 3 subdirectorios
propios del formato maildir (cur,new y tmp), pero cuando intento acceder a
traves de imap, siempre me da error de login

el formato de la base de datos mysql es:
| Field    | Type      | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id       | char(128) |      | PRI |         |       |
| password | char(128) |      |     |         |       |
| uid      | int(10)   |      |     | 0       |       |
| gid      | int(10)   |      |     | 0       |       |
| home     | char(255) |      |     |         |       |
| maildir  | char(255) |      |     |         |       |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

# The server name, userid, and password used to log in.

MYSQL_SERVER            kbl
MYSQL_USERNAME          postfix
MYSQL_PASSWORD          postfix

# MYSQL_SOCKET can be used with MySQL version 3.22 or later, it specifies
# filesystem pipe used for the connection
MYSQL_SOCKET            /var/mysql/mysql.sock

# MYSQL_PORT can be used with MySQL version 3.22 or later to specify a port
# connect to.

MYSQL_PORT              3306
# Leave MYSQL_OPT as 0, unless you know what you're doing.

MYSQL_OPT               0

# The name of the MySQL database we will open:

MYSQL_DATABASE          mail

# The name of the table containing your user data.  See README.authmysqlrc
# for the required fields in this table.

MYSQL_USER_TABLE        mxaliases

# Either MYSQL_CRYPT_PWFIELD or MYSQL_CLEAR_PWFIELD must be defined.  Both
# are OK too. crypted passwords go into MYSQL_CRYPT_PWFIELD, cleartext
# passwords go into MYSQL_CLEAR_PWFIELD.  Cleartext passwords allow
# CRAM-MD5 authentication to be implemented.



# If DEFAULT_DOMAIN is defined, and someone tries to log in as 'user',
# we will look up 'user en DEFAULT_DOMAIN' instead.
DEFAULT_DOMAIN          tomate.fadlan.com

# Other fields in the mysql table:
# MYSQL_UID_FIELD - contains the numerical userid of the account
MYSQL_UID_FIELD         uid

# Numerical groupid of the account

MYSQL_GID_FIELD         gid

# The login id, default is id.  Basically the query is:


MYSQL_HOME_FIELD        home

# The user's name (optional)

MYSQL_NAME_FIELD        name

# This is an optional field, and can be used to specify an arbitrary
# location of the maildir for the account, which normally defaults to
# $HOME/Maildir (where $HOME is read from MYSQL_HOME_FIELD).
# You still need to provide a MYSQL_HOME_FIELD, even if you uncomment this
# out.

# Define MYSQL_QUOTA_FIELD to be the name of the field that can optionally
# specify a maildir quota.  See README.maildirquota for more information

# This is optional, MYSQL_WHERE_CLAUSE can be basically set to an arbitrary
# fixed string that is appended to the WHERE clause of our query
# MYSQL_WHERE_CLAUSE    server='mailhost.example.com'

# This is optional, MYSQL_SELECT_CLAUSE can be set when you have a database,
# which is structuraly different from proposed. The fixed string will
# be used to do a SELECT operation on database, which should return fields
# in order specified bellow:
# username, cryptpw, uid, gid, clearpw, home, maildir, quota, fullname
# Enabling this option causes ignorance of any other field-related
# options, excluding default domain.
# There are two variables, which you can use. Substitution will be made
# for them, so you can put entered username (local part) and domain name
# in the right place of your query. These variables are:
#               $(local_part) and $(domain)
# If a $(domain) is empty (not given by the remote user) the default domain
# name is used in its place.
# This example is a little bit modified adaptation of vmail-sql
# database scheme:
# MYSQL_SELECT_CLAUSE   SELECT popbox.local_part,                       \
#                       CONCAT('{MD5}', popbox.password_hash),          \
#                       domain.uid,                                     \
#                       domain.gid,                                     \
#                       popbox.clearpw,                                 \
#                       CONCAT(domain.path, '/', popbox.mbox_name),     \
#                       '',                                             \
#                       domain.quota,                                   \
#                       '',                                             \
#                       FROM popbox, domain                             \
#                       WHERE popbox.local_part = '$(local_part)'       \
#                       AND popbox.domain_name = '$(domain)'            \
#                       AND popbox.domain_name = domain.domain_name
# This is optional, MYSQL_CHPASS_CLAUSE can be set when you have a database,
# which is structuraly different from proposed. The fixed string will
# be used to do an UPDATE operation on database. In other words, it is
# used, when changing password.
# There are four variables, which you can use. Substitution will be made
# for them, so you can put entered username (local part) and domain name
# in the right place of your query. There variables are:
#       $(local_part) , $(domain) , $(newpass) , $(newpass_crypt)
# If a $(domain) is empty (not given by the remote user) the default domain
# name is used in its place.
# $(newpass) contains plain password
# $(newpass_crypt) contains its crypted form
# MYSQL_CHPASS_CLAUSE   UPDATE  popbox                                  \
#                       SET     clearpw='$(newpass)',                   \
#                               password_hash='$(newpass_crypt)'        \
#                       WHERE   local_part='$(local_part)'              \
#                       AND     domain_name='$(domain)'

en fin, quizas no es tema ya de postfix, pero si teneis alguna idea, os
estare muy agradecido.

Por cierto, ya he consultado los 2 howtos que conozco al respecto:

Gracias, un saludo a todos



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