[postfix-es] No me llegan todos los emails

Simon J Mudd sjmudd en pobox.com
Vie Dic 13 13:36:39 CET 2002

korkuts69 en yahoo.es (Ric Danger) writes:

> Por algún motivo, mis e-mails no llegan a la lista,
> son rechazados por por <postfix-espanol en mail.WL0.org
> dice:
> 504 <Heraclito>: Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname.
> Pero bueno, voy a probar a ver si enviándolo desde la
> web de yahoo funciona.

Como te he comentado en un mensaje privado mi postfix no acepta tus
correos porque tu servidor no se identifica correctamente:

1. Heraclito no es un FQDN, el mensaje lo dice claramente.

No sé que cliente/servidor de correo estás usando pero configurarlo
bien.  Según tu dirección ip de conexión podrías usar el nombre:
217-125-232-212.uc.nombres.ttd.es, que aunque parece "feo" es el
nombre que se resuelve de tu dirección IP.

Mira los RFCs (éstandares de SMTP), concretamente RFC 2821:
(lo siento que está en inglés)
--- snip ---  Extended HELLO (EHLO) or HELLO (HELO)

   These commands are used to identify the SMTP client to the SMTP
   server.  The argument field contains the fully-qualified domain
   of the SMTP client if one is available.  In situations in which the
   SMTP client system does not have a meaningful domain name (e.g.,
   its address is dynamically allocated and no reverse mapping record

   available), the client SHOULD send an address literal (see section
   4.1.3), optionally followed by information that will help to
   the client system.  y The SMTP server identifies itself to the SMTP
   client in the connection greeting reply and in the response to this

   A client SMTP SHOULD start an SMTP session by issuing the EHLO
   command.  If the SMTP server supports the SMTP service extensions
   will give a successful response, a failure response, or an error
   response.  If the SMTP server, in violation of this specification,
   does not support any SMTP service extensions it will generate an
   error response.  Older client SMTP systems MAY, as discussed above,
   use HELO (as specified in RFC 821) instead of EHLO, and servers
   support the HELO command and reply properly to it.  In any event, a
   client MUST issue HELO or EHLO before starting a mail transaction.

   These commands, and a "250 OK" reply to one of them, confirm that
   both the SMTP client and the SMTP server are in the initial state,
   that is, there is no transaction in progress and all state tables
   buffers are cleared.


      ehlo            = "EHLO" SP Domain CRLF
      helo            = "HELO" SP Domain CRLF

   Normally, the response to EHLO will be a multiline reply.  Each
   of the response contains a keyword and, optionally, one or more
   parameters.  Following the normal syntax for multiline replies,
   keyworks follow the code (250) and a hyphen for all but the last
   line, and the code and a space for the last line.  The syntax for a
   positive response, using the ABNF notation and terminal symbols of
   [8], is:

      ehlo-ok-rsp  =    ( "250"    domain [ SP ehlo-greet ] CRLF )
                   / (    "250-"   domain [ SP ehlo-greet ] CRLF
                       *( "250-"   ehlo-line                CRLF )
                          "250"    SP ehlo-line             CRLF  )

      ehlo-greet   = 1*(%d0-9 / %d11-12 / %d14-127)
                   ; string of any characters other than CR or LF

      ehlo-line    = ehlo-keyword *( SP ehlo-param )

      ehlo-keyword = (ALPHA / DIGIT) *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
                   ; additional syntax of ehlo-params depends on
                   ; ehlo-keyword

      ehlo-param   = 1*(%d33-127)
                   ; any CHAR excluding <SP> and all
                   ; control characters (US-ASCII 0-31 inclusive)

   Although EHLO keywords may be specified in upper, lower, or mixed
   case, they MUST always be recognized and processed in a case-
   insensitive manner.  This is simply an extension of practices
   specified in RFC 821 and section 2.4.1.
--- snip ---

La parte después del HELO o EHLO debe ser un "Domain", donde domain
significa el nombre completo del host.  Tampoco puedes inventarte nada
extraño y creo que la solución que te he ofrecido es la más sencilla.
De como hacerlo, pues mirar la configuración de tu "servidor de

Simon J Mudd, Postfix RPM Packager, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
email: sjmudd en pobox.com, Tel: +31-627-592 627
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