[postfix-es] Re:Postfix+SASL

Simon J Mudd sjmudd en pobox.com
Jue Dic 26 18:47:26 CET 2002

rmendoza en ccpna.edu.pe ("Ricardo Mendoza Huerta") writes:

> ================================
> This is the Postfix program at host chasqui.ccpna.edu.pe.
> I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message returned
> below could not be delivered to one or more destinations.
> For further assistance, please send mail to <postmaster>
> If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your
> own text from the message returned below.
> 			The Postfix program
> <jparetto en fler.com.cl>: host mail.ger.com.pe[] said: 550
>     <jparetto en fler.com.cl>, Recipient unknown
> ==============================
> y otros que dan el estado de un correo, ¿existe alguna manera de cambiar
> esos mensajes al español?

No. Sin modificar el codigo fuente no es posible.  El problema es que
si lo cambias a espanol, los que hablan ingles o frances tendran el
mismo problema.

Simon J Mudd, Postfix RPM Packager, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
email: sjmudd en pobox.com, Tel: +31-627-592 627
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