[postfix-es] OT: Honeypot for spam harvesters

José Luis Tallón jltallon en adv-solutions.net
Lun Jun 23 14:17:28 CEST 2003

I recently read ( guess it was at /. ) this article:

- A number of webs generating "call home"-like fake usernames to be used as 
- Some custom scripts to process the UCE received and add it to a DB from 
where it could be fetched.

Maybe (we) could create an DNSBL for harvester's IPs/UAs, something like:

   reversed.ip.address.harvesters.my.dnsbl.org 	A


   reverserd.ip.address.harvesters.my.dnsbl.org	CNAME damned-spammer-bot					

   damned-spammer-bot.harvesters.my.dnsbl.org	A
						TXT "MailHarvester/1.0"

this would need a custom libapache_auth_dnsbl or some php scripts / cgis in 
order to prevent the harvester's IP/UA access [ maybe IPs alone would 
suffice ] to "sensitive" content ( e-mail addresses ) afterwards. This 
approach would at least reduce the rate at which spammers can collect new, 
valid, email addresses.

As usual, any comments/sugggestions/ whatever are greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

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