[Postfix-es] Envio a cuentas de Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.

Natxo Asenjo natxete en asenjo.nl
Sab Jul 21 11:30:32 CEST 2007

On Fri, 20  Jul  2007,  12:35:46PM -0300¨, Satoru Lucas Shindoi said:
>                    The mail system
> <slshindoi en hotmail.com>: host mx4.hotmail.com[] said: 550 Your
>     e-mail was rejected for policy reasons on this gateway. Reasons for
>     rejection may be related to content such as obscene language, graphics, or
>     spam-like characteristics (or) other reputation problems. For sender
>     troubleshooting information, please go to http://postmaster.msn.com.
>     Please note: if you are an end-user please contact your E-mail/Internet
>     Service Provider for assistance. (in reply to MAIL FROM command)
> Ya estuve leyendo la doc. expuesta en http://postmaster.msn.com, y al parecer directamente rechazan los mails proveniente de IP dinámicas.

tu mismo te das la respuesta.


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