[postfix-es] Las listas negras me odian :(

kazabe kazabe en gmail.com
Lun Ago 25 21:17:14 CEST 2008


Cuando entre a abuseat a remover las IP's vi esa noticia, pero como data de
abril (2008-04-10) no la tome en cuenta.

Es posible entonces que todavia ese problema se este presentando?

Saludos y gracias

«Existen dos cosas infinitas:
el universo y la estupidez humana... y no estoy muy seguro de la primera» :
Albert Einstein

2008/8/25 Miguel Angel Tormo Alfaro <mlists en edicom.eu>

> ¿Has leído esto? Puede estar relacionado: http://cbl.abuseat.org/
> 2008-04-10 <http://cbl.abuseat.org/2008-04-10> CBL Listing Problem:
> Commencing at approximately 5AM UTC on 2008-04-10, and lasting as much as 5
> hours in some cases, a technical problem in one of our contributory feeds
> resulted in a number of invalid CBL listings, including some corresponding
> to servers at a few ISPs and other sites.
>  The feed was removed from operation as soon as we became aware of the
> issue and have purged all the IPs it listed in the last 48 hours as a
> precaution. We have verified that this has taken effect in everything the
> CBL publishes. Here at the CBL we take false positives extremely seriously,
> and we do apologize for this issue. We have taken steps to ensure that this
> cannot happen again in the future.
>  To further ensure the problem is resolved everywhere, we advise the
> relatively small number of email administrators who retrieve their copy of
> the CBL via zone transfer to ensure that they have fetched the CBL at least
> once after 10:30AM UTC on 2008-04-10 to ensure that the erroneous listings
> have been purged from their systems. Note that the vast majority of sites
> use the CBL via direct DNSBL query or zone transfers every 2 hours or less,
> and thus no action is necessary.
> El Lunes, 25 de Agosto de 2008 20:25:15 kazabe escribió:
> > Los servidores son de correo, proxy y firewall
> >
> > Puede tener alguna relacion el proxy con eso?
> >
> > saludos
> >
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