[Postfix RPMs] postfix-1.1.4-3 released (minor packaging changes, but change in URLs)

Simon J Mudd sjmudd at pobox.com
Fri Mar 8 10:45:47 CET 2002

This message is to announce availabliltiy of the latest release version of
Postfix in RPM package format.

Changes since previous version:

* No package upgrade is required *

- Postgres patches update.
  - Upgrade postgres patch for postfix-1.1.4.
  - The Postgres patches provided by George Barbarosie also included some
    specific functionality that he required. I hadn't realised this.
    By enabling Postgres with POSTFIX_PGSQL=1 now only includes the
    patches provided by Mathieu Arnold <mat at mat.cc>.
  - The additional patches are still available using POSTFIX_PGSQL2=1
- addition of patch to BuildRequires: (!)

Relevent URLs and build information:

Built under: RedHat 7.2-1

Original Source Directory & file(s):
Postfix Source and binary packages:
or via anonymous ftp at
	ftp://ftp.WL0.org/		Madrid, Spain
	ftp://ftp.everdigital.org/	Houston, Texas, USA

Web Interface to CVS Repository of packaging files:

	** Please note the change in URLs **

- The new US ftp mirror provided by Patrick Reich <dminor at houston.rr.com>
- The new URL for my own FTP site.
- The pobox.com reflector has also been updated with a new URL

As usual please report any problems to me.


Simon J Mudd
Simon J Mudd,   Tel: +34-91-408 4878,  Mobile: +34-605-085 219
Madrid, Spain.  email: sjmudd at pobox.com,  Postfix RPM Packager

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