[Postfix-es] table lookup problem

Simon Mudd sjmudd en pobox.com
Vie Ene 7 19:43:21 CET 2005

sceibe en gmail.com (Anton Rodriguez Yuste) writes:

> El caso es que ayer tuve que recompilar Mysql para añadir algunas
> funcionalidades (LinuxTreathds). El tema se hizo rápido y ahora mi
> servidor Mysql funciona a las mil maravillas, pero mi servidor de
> correo ha dejado de enviar mails, aunque si puedo recibirlos.
> Os pongo un extracto del maillog a ver si sabeis decirme que puede ser:
> Jan  7 11:59:18 shareadictos postfix/smtpd[24050]: connect from
> 21.Red-80-24-105.pooles.rima-tde.net[]
> Jan  7 11:59:34 shareadictos postfix/trivial-rewrite[24072]: warning:
> connect to mysql server localhost: Bad handshake

> Obviamente me parecio un problema de Mysql, asï que he estado mirando.

¿Quizá sea la versión de las librerías de mysql que usas en Postfix no
son compatibles con las de el servidor?

Haría un "google" para Bad handshake

Me parece que algo así:

==== snip ====

> Hash: SHA1
> I still have the problem with being unable to logon to a database
> with a 
> password. When the password is entered - either on the command line
> (-p???) 
> or on the following line (-p without a password), mysql returns a
> "Bad 
> handshake" error message.
> I'm trying to connect on the machine running mysql
> The server version is 4.1.1-1
> The client software is 4.1.0-0 (which is, I believe, the latest for
> download)
> The user is not trying to log on remotely - and it happens with any
> user (e.g. 
> I can't even put a password on the root account)
> Things work fine as long as no password is involved.
> Can anyone offer any suggestions of how to fix this? I *CAN* convert 
> everything to PostgreSQL if I have to, but that is a last
> resort. For what 
> we're doing, mysql is a better solution.

The issue is that 4.1.0 used a different authentication handshake with
different form of password encoding.  Due to the fact that 4.1.0 was
alpha, it was decided not to support the authentication that 4.1.0
for later releases as it was the only release that used it.  If you
upgrade the client to 4.1.1 (which is available for download?  where
didn't you see it?)  then you will no longer get that error message.


==== snip ====


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