[Postfix-es] (sin asunto)

Jaidiver Sepulveda jaidiversp en yahoo.es
Sab Jun 30 04:06:22 CEST 2007

Hola a todos.

Solo escribía para saber para que son las tablas de postfix_relocated y postfix_access a las cuales no se porque razón aparecen unas consultas todas raras.

Este es el log de mysql donde se ven las consultas que se han hecho, y las cuales no se porque se hacen.

070629  7:42:23    1610 Connect     vmail en localhost on mail
                   1610 Query       SELECT destination FROM postfix_transport WHERE domain='*'
                   1610 Query       SELECT destination FROM postfix_transport WHERE domain='*'
                   1611 Connect     vmail en localhost on mail
                   1611 Query       SELECT destination FROM postfix_virtual WHERE email='mymainserver.com'
                   1612 Connect     vmail en localhost on mail
                   1612 Query       SELECT destination FROM postfix_virtual_domains WHERE domain='mymainserver.com'
                   1610 Query       SELECT destination FROM postfix_transport WHERE domain='michael78694 en mymainserver.com'
                   1610 Query       SELECT destination FROM postfix_transport WHERE domain='mymainserver.com'
                   1610 Query       SELECT destination FROM postfix_transport WHERE domain='.com'
                   1613 Connect     vmail en localhost on mail
                   1613 Query       SELECT destination FROM postfix_relocated WHERE email='michael78694 en mymainserver.com'
                   1613 Query       SELECT destination FROM postfix_relocated WHERE email='@mymainserver.com'
                   1611 Query       SELECT destination FROM postfix_virtual WHERE email='yahoo.com.tw'
                   1612 Query       SELECT destination FROM postfix_virtual_domains WHERE domain='yahoo.com.tw'
                   1610 Query       SELECT destination FROM postfix_transport WHERE domain='candy59839 en yahoo.com.tw'
                   1610 Query       SELECT destination FROM postfix_transport WHERE domain='yahoo.com.tw'
                   1610 Query       SELECT destination FROM postfix_transport WHERE domain='.com.tw'
                   1610 Query       SELECT destination FROM postfix_transport WHERE domain='.tw'
                   1613 Query       SELECT destination FROM postfix_relocated WHERE email='candy59839 en yahoo.com.tw'
                   1613 Query       SELECT destination FROM postfix_relocated WHERE email='@yahoo.com.tw'
                   1614 Connect     vmail en localhost on mail
                   1614 Query       SELECT access FROM postfix_access WHERE source='218-167-74-212.dynamic.hinet.net' and type = 'client'
                   1614 Query       SELECT access FROM postfix_access WHERE source='dynamic.hinet.net' and type = 'client'
                   1614 Query       SELECT access FROM postfix_access WHERE source='hinet.net' and type = 'client'
                   1614 Query       SELECT access FROM postfix_access WHERE source='net' and type = 'client'
                   1614 Query       SELECT access FROM postfix_access WHERE source='' and type = 'client'
                   1614 Query       SELECT access FROM postfix_access WHERE source='218.167.74' and type = 'client'
                   1614 Query       SELECT access FROM postfix_access WHERE source='218.167' and type = 'client'
                   1614 Query       SELECT access FROM postfix_access WHERE source='218' and type = 'client'
                   1615 Connect     vmail en localhost on mail
                   1615 Query       SELECT access FROM postfix_access WHERE source='michael78694 en mymainserver.com' and type = 'sender'
                   1615 Query       SELECT access FROM postfix_access WHERE source='mymainserver.com' and type = 'sender'
                   1615 Query       SELECT access FROM postfix_access WHERE source='com' and type = 'sender'
                   1615 Query       SELECT access FROM postfix_access WHERE source='michael78694@' and type = 'sender'
                   1616 Connect     vmail en localhost on mail
                   1616 Query       SELECT access FROM postfix_access WHERE source='candy59839 en yahoo.com.tw' and type = 'recipient'
                   1616 Query       SELECT access FROM postfix_access WHERE source='yahoo.com.tw' and type = 'recipient'
                   1616 Query       SELECT access FROM postfix_access WHERE source='com.tw' and type = 'recipient'
                   1616 Query       SELECT access FROM postfix_access WHERE source='tw' and type = 'recipient'
                   1616 Query       SELECT access FROM postfix_access WHERE source='candy59839@' and type = 'recipient'
070629  7:43:23    1615 Quit
                   1616 Quit
                   1614 Quit
                   1611 Quit
                   1612 Quit
                   1610 Quit
                   1613 Quit

Cualquier ayuda que me puedan dar es muy valiosa.

Muchas gracias por todo.


Jaidiver Sepulveda Parra
Director de Operaciones
Innobile S.A.
Medellin - Antioquia - Colombia - Sur America

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