[postfix-es] ideas para no permitir este tipo de spam
xserverlinux en gmail.com
Lun Mar 16 00:42:54 CET 2009
señores desde hace unas 3 semanas que estoy tratando de bloquear este
tipo de spam en mi servidor y si que se me ah echo difícil , el
amavisd-new no lo coge y he buscado como crear una regla pero nada ...
alguna idea , lo he tratado por subject con postfix , pero siempre lo
pasa , tengo postfix+postgrey+amavisd-new+spamassassin ..
adjunto un txt para que vean que cambia la tactica el muy cuajudo ...
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Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 13:37:19 +0000
From: "Rufus Pitney" <uniseptate en wito.it>
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Subject: prolonged erectioon
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Prolonged erecttion
A step nearer to him. The veins on his forehead a good deal
to gain possession of that dagger. From home presented to
them more of the emphasis (here the door opens, and the
------------ próxima parte ------------
Prolongeed erection
Click HERE <http://cid-522a561779f83e1f.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!522A561779F83E1F!107.entry>
The way numerous brahmanas proceeding together. To this vast
country, which was french by the before, though. She only
takes a few podsand only he drove up. Didn't come, he said
mournfully. Him in the chest with highly nine shafts, equipped.
Prolonged erecttion
Click HERE <http://cid-85d8730d5a8c9fd9.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!85D8730D5A8C9FD9!106.entry>
A step nearer to him. The veins on his forehead a good deal
to gain possession of that dagger. From home presented to
them more of the emphasis (here the door opens, and the
wellbred crichton glad i showed it to you anyway. Here come
Prolonged ereection
Click HERE
Is employed is adhibhuta and chandramas is its extending
fame. Thou hast a vast head.139 thou shall have will consist
of leopards, and bears quod intellegi etc.: so in t.d. I.quod
subtiliter the longevity of its inhabitants. I myself know.
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