postfix rh6x RPMs may have a problem with chkconfig - need help diagnosing problem

Simon J Mudd sjmudd at
Thu Mar 22 21:30:32 CET 2001

This message is only relevent if you are using RH6.

I recently received an email from someone using the following RPM I
produce: postfix-20010228release-2rh6.i386.rpm

During the install of the package they receive the following error:

rpm -Uvh postfix-20010228release-2rh6.i386.rpm
postfix                     ##################################################
service postfix does not support chkconfig

Could anyone else who has used this version on rh6 please confirm or deny
that they experienced the same problem?

I think the problem is due to the use of chkconfig, and maybe the contents
of /etc/rc.d/init.d/postfix, but as I no longer have a working version of
rh6 I can not test this.

If this problem has been experienced before I'd appreciate information on
where this breakage has ocurred.

Thanks for any feedback.


Simon J Mudd, Madrid SPAIN    Tel: +34-91-408 4878    email: sjmudd at

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