[Postfix RPMs] pflogsumm-1.0.4-1 package available

Simon J Mudd sjmudd at pobox.com
Mon Dec 2 16:37:11 CET 2002

This message is to announce the first version of pflogsumm in
RPM package format.

I am going to remove pflogsumm from my standard postfix packages because
some people don't use it and because it can also be used by people on
RedHat, Mandrake or other rpm distributions which don't provide a
pflogsumm package.  It will also allow me to upgrade pflogsumm or postfix
independently, something which may be needed due to changes in logging
format taking place in Postfix at the moment.

The package is obviously very small, but saves the administrator having to
think about setting up the various options and cronjobs etc.

The binary (noarch) package requires perl and should run on pretty much
any version of RedHat (or other) Linux.

Feedback, both positive and negative, would be appreciated.

Relevent URLs and build information:

Built under: RedHat 8.0-8

Original Source Directory & file(s):

Pflogsumm Source and binary (noarch) packages:

Also available from the following Mirror Sites shown on

Web Interface to CVS Repository of packaging files:

As usual please report any problems to me.


Simon J Mudd
Simon J Mudd, Postfix RPM Packager, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
email: sjmudd at pobox.com, Tel: +31-627-592 627

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