[Postfix RPMs] Call for Testers [2] - postfix-1.1.11-2pre2

Simon J Mudd sjmudd at pobox.com
Fri Jun 28 13:31:14 CEST 2002

Hello All,

I didn't get much response from my previous message although I did see a 
couple of minor problems. A new *test* package is available at:


The binary package has been compiled under rh7.2 with LDAP support which I
use on my own machine.

If you have time to check if these packages work I'd appreciate it as I 
plan (failing bug reports) to make this the next official release.

Thanks for any *success* or *failure* reports.  Specifically I'm 
interested in reports on RH 7.3 where alternatives will be used 
"natively", and on RH6X.

The only main real difference to the current packages is the location of 
the following files:


Which to allow for multiple mailers to be installed on the same machine 
are installed as:


The original files are linked to the new locations using the alternatives 
package on rh7.3 and "by hand, as part of the package installation" on 
previous RH versions.

I am trying to double check that the upgrade from a current running
package to the new one creates the correct symbolic links if necessary.  
(This is a little more complicated than would appear due to the internal 
workings of rpm at package installation/removal time.)

Simon J Mudd,   Tel: +34-91-408 4878,  Mobile: +34-605-085 219
Madrid, Spain.  email: sjmudd at pobox.com,  Postfix RPM Packager

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