[Postfix RPMs] Access to my cvs repository for those who build from SOURCE RPMs.

Simon J Mudd sjmudd at pobox.com
Mon Nov 25 11:03:57 CET 2002

The CVS repository I use for building my RPMS is now available by
anonymous cvs.

Currently there is one branch, POSTFIX_1_1_0 for the postfix-1.1 series of
packages, HEAD being used for the snapshots.

Shortly I expect to produce a new POSTFIX_1_2 branch for the new
postfix-1.2 when it is released.

You can access the cvs repository doing the following:

$ CVSROOT=:pserver:anoncvs at WL0.org:/home/cvsroot
$ cvs login
Logging in to :pserver:anoncvs at wl0.org:2401/home/cvsroot
CVS password: anoncvs

This is also mentioned in http://WL0.org/~sjmudd/postfix/en/viewcvs

I build my packages running the buildpackage script.

This sets up links from the cvs repository to the SOURCES directory
before attempting to build the RPM.  It also checks the TLS patches before
building and allows me to sign the packages.

Any suggestions for improvement are most welcome.

I expect most people on this list use my binary RPMs. This announcement
probably will be of little interest.  However, for those of you who build
from the SOURCE rpms access to the repository may prove useful.


Simon J Mudd, Postfix RPM Packager, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
email: sjmudd at pobox.com, Tel: +31-627-592 627

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